Become far more certain to succeed by mapping out your journey to IoT before you set out.
What’s your vision for your IoT project? The first step is being clear on exactly what challenge you’re attempting to solve. Then, how will your proposed solutions deliver your intended benefits?
what you’re aiming for
You’ll probably want to conduct a full and rigorous exploration of your IoT idea. What is the concept? What benefits are you hoping to achieve – whether financial, operational, customer-facing or otherwise? Crucially, what will it really take to achieve success?
Think about…
How well do you understand what you’re attempting? What level of complexity and technical challenges do you face? What gaps might exist in your knowledge? How adequately resourced is your project – both in terms of budget and people? And who’s the best partner?
Your Explore Toolkit
Analyse the market
Has your proposed IoT solution, or something similar, been attempted before? Moreover, is there a demand for what you’re proposing among the user base that you’re targeting?
Has your proposed IoT solution, or something similar, been attempted before? Moreover, is there a demand for what you’re proposing among the user base that you’re targeting?
Run feasibility studies
What technology will be required and how much of it is already available? How easy will it be to provision and support? What resources will be necessary over its anticipated lifetime?
What technology will be required and how much of it is already available? How easy will it be to provision and support? What resources will be necessary over its anticipated lifetime?
Establish your value proposition
Who is the IoT solution for and why will they care? What benefits will it deliver to your business and over what time period? What’s the opportunity cost if you do not act?
Who is the IoT solution for and why will they care? What benefits will it deliver to your business and over what time period? What’s the opportunity cost if you do not act?
Define your IoT solution
In light of your research, what will your IoT solution be comprised of? Who will deliver and run it? How will you know if it has successfully achieved its objectives?
In light of your research, what will your IoT solution be comprised of? Who will deliver and run it? How will you know if it has successfully achieved its objectives?