
Residential care organisation ensures life-saving service for users by upgrading in-home emergency alert system

Close-up of a younger person holding an elderly person's hand in comfort, showcasing the compassionate aspect of healthcare IoT.

SG Enabled…

  • Design of ‘always on’ wireless emergency alert system deployed in hundreds of thousands of service users’ homes in Hong Kong.
  • Guaranteed care provision as users can now trigger the system anywhere in their homes, even wet areas like the bathroom, with a simple press of a button.

Lead time:
90 days to POC


F1 Smart Module

Ctrl. Cloud Platform


Providing in-home mobility

Our customer has been providing in-home emergency assistance and integrated care service to its users for almost three decades. The wired design of its existing devices meant users had to physically be within reach of the devices to raise the alarm. The decline in fixed residential phone usage also created a foreseeable demand for wireless communication support.


User-oriented approach

The new wireless devices had to provide stable and comprehensive mobile connectivity, especially in Hong Kong’s dense environment. They had to be small, portable and power-efficient, so users could carry them around the home. They also had to be waterproof, so they could be used in the kitchen and bathroom.

In just six weeks, SG had developed a working prototype of a three-component wireless system from only an initial blueprint. In another six weeks, system testing, validation and certification processes were completed to have the final design ready for mass production. All in less than 90 days.


Smooth on-time delivery

Backed by parent company Season Group, a large electronic manufacturing services provider, SG worked closely with internal production teams to coordinate design and manufacturing activities. This ensured the first batch of products was shipped out as scheduled.

SG continued to support our customer in providing operator training, refining product packaging and working through final certification processes.


Smart home success

Since its introduction to the market, the wireless coverage and waterproof capability of the system devices have been commended in the media for enabling their users a much higher degree of autonomy as well as giving their caregivers an improved peace-of-mind. In the first two years alone, the system was recognized at both local and global industry awards for Smart home products.

SG continues to work hard to satisfy our customer’s continued growing demand.

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